Quality control of laboratory parameters of the thrombodynamics test in real clinical practice: cross-sectional study

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BACKGROUND: In-laboratory quality control determines the correctness and reliability of research. Coagulological research should comply with the general requirements for the standardization of clinical and laboratory studies developed by the International Organization for Standardization, World Health Organization, and Ministry of Health of Russia.

AIM: To verify the integral method of studying the hemostasis system, namely, “thrombodynamics,” and its successful use in real clinical practice.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study used citrate fresh plasma obtained from 14 patients according to the standard rules of blood collection and in compliance with all conditions of the pre-analytical stage for coagulological studies and commercial pooled plasma.

RESULTS: The coefficients of variation (individual and group) for the hypo, normo, and hyper models were ≤10%, indicating that the analytical characteristics obtained in the laboratory correspond to the recommended characteristics of the manufacturer. A sample preparation algorithm of three levels has been developed for commercial control of plasmas.

CONCLUSION: The thrombodynamics test enables obtaining information about the risks of bleeding and thrombosis and evaluating the effectiveness of anticoagulant therapy with heparins.

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About the authors

Olga N. Startseva

Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine

Author for correspondence.
Email: startceva@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3524-3603
SPIN-code: 3817-5670

Cand. Sci. (Biology)

Russian Federation, 4/2 Academic Lebedev Str., St. Petersburg, 194044


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Design of the study.

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3. Fig. 2. Distribution of anti-Xa activity concentration and clot growth parameter in the “hypo” model.

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4. Fig. 3. Concentrations of factor VIII and Willebrand factor, as well as the time of spontaneous thrombosis in the “hyper” model.

Download (141KB)
5. Fig. 4. Control map of the "clot growth rate" parameter. The study was performed on a commercial plasma from Instrumentation Laboratory with normal values, lot N. 0495003. The selected points — samples without prior centrifugation.

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6. Fig. 5. Control map of the parameter "initial clot growth rate". The study was performed on a commercial plasma from Instrumentation Laboratory with normal values, lot N. 0495003. The selected points — samples without prior centrifugation.

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7. Fig. 6. Control map of the "clot size" parameter. The study was performed on a commercial plasma from Instrumentation Laboratory with normal values, lot N. 0495003. The selected points — samples without prior centrifugation.

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8. Fig. 7. Control map of the "clot density" parameter. The study was performed on commercial plasma from Instrumentation Laboratory with normal values, lot N. 0495003. The selected points are samples without prior centrifugation.

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9. Fig. 8. Control map of the "clot growth rate" parameter. The study was performed on commercial plasma from Bio-Rad, level 2, lot N. 84732.

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10. Fig. 9. Control chart of the parameter "initial clot growth rate". The study was performed on commercial plasma of Bio-Rad company, level 2, lot N. 84732.

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11. Fig. 10. Control map of the "clot size" parameter. The study was performed on commercial plasma from Bio-Rad, level 2, lot N. 84732.

Download (245KB)
12. Fig. 11. Control map of the "clot density" parameter. The study was performed on commercial plasma from Bio-Rad, level 2, lot N. 84732.

Download (333KB)

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